Sunday, October 17, 2010

day 8. 9. 10. and while we're at it, 11.

I'm way behind on this blogging business. What can I say, I'm a very very busy gal. No but really, I've been so busy it's crazy. I hardly have time for anything! With wedding planning and hands are full 24/7! I love it but, I think it's time to get an assistant like every other Hollywood actor out there. It's the norm, right? Sure, I'll log into Facebook to do a little stalkerooing but who doesn't? Here at the latest pictures. Ps. I hate the whole picture blog thing..this whole 30 day thing is starting to get a little repetive. JUST saying. xo

Day 8: photo that makes me sad/angry

This is absolutely disgusting! I have no problem saying that I absolutely HATE war of any kind. I don't support it and I never will. Look at these little kids, seriously? What the hell is wrong with the world today?! They view fighting and guns on a daily basis. Republicans, you happy? Innocent little kids carrying guns around and it doesn't help that we have troops there parading around these fire arms just adding fuel to the fire in which these children see EVERY DAY! Next :]

Day 9: photo i took

mami y papi*

Day 10: photo of me from at least 10 years ago

Obviously, way over 10 years ago. I can't stand how adorable I am in this picture! I was very particular about the way my mom dressed me. She would pick out the outfits, I would accesorize. Color choice of this outfit: YELLOW. :]

Day 11: recent photo of me

Showing off my engagement ring, d'uh. I'm so proud of the ring Michael gave me. People have been so materialistic and rude upon looking at my ring. I'm sorry that it doesn't look like every other ring out there and I'm sorry that it doesn't weigh my finger down. It's called being UNIQUE and not following the crowd. Quit hating!

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